
Democratising the Rijksmuseum

Eine erste Studie der Europeana zur Public-Domain-Policy des Rijksmuseum Amsterdam „Democratising the Rijksmuseum: Why did the Rijksmuseum make available their highest quality material without restrictions, and what are the results?“ listet die nicht zuletzt wirtschaftlichen Vorteile einer solchen Entscheidung auf.

In der Studie kommt der Autor Joris Pekel zu folgendem Schluss:

This case study of the Rijksmuseum shows that an institution can benefit greatly by making its digitised collection openly available to the public and in applying the correct rights label to their material. It also shows that these decisions are not made overnight. The Rijksmuseum had to carefully discuss the different steps that have led to making all of the high resolution images available for everyone. They have made sure that they only publish material that is 100% out of copyright and communicate this extensively to the public. What greatly benefited the museum is that other people started making new creative works with the material and therefore promoting the museum on a larger scale than they had ever been able to do themselves.
Releasing the material has resulted in an incredible amount of goodwill from the public and creative industries. Combined with the enormous exposure, reputational benefits and the ability to enter more cost-effective sponsor programs greatly outweighed the reduced images sales for the museum. Employees of the Rijksmuseum concluded during the interview that they are extremely satisfied with the result of their move towards opening up their collection to the public. The process has been exciting and to some extent a bit frightening for them, but when asked if they would do it again they replied: ’Yes, but a lot faster’

Die Studie Democratising the Rijksmuseum: Why did the Rijksmuseum make available their highest quality material without restrictions, and what are the results? als PDF

Quelle: http://pro.europeana.eu/pro-blog/-/blogs/how-the-rijksmuseum-opened-up-its-collection-a-case-study
