Die aktuelle Ausgabe von NISO Information Standards Quarterly wurde online unter Open Access bereit gestellt und enthält Beiträge aus der amerikanischen Debatte zum Thema „Linked Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums“.
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Linked Data Vocabulary Management: Infrastructure support, Data Integration, and Interoperability
- Linking Lives: Creating an End-User interface using Linked Data
- Joining the Linked Data Cloud in a Cost-effective Manner
- OCLC’s Linked Data Initiative: Using Schema.org to Make Library Data Relevant on the Web
- Europeana: Moving to Linked Open Data
- Opinion: LODLAM State of Affairs
- Report on the Linked Ancient World Data Institute
- LC’s Bibliographic Framework Initiative and the Attractiveness of Linked Data
Quelle: Information Standards Quarterly, Spring/Summer 2012, v.24 no. 2/3